Monthly Archives: September, 2013

I realized a while ago that debates are pointless. All they do is try to prove the other person wrong…

Are you in need of some daily inspiration? Do you love to learn about the saints? If you answered “yes”…

Last week marked 50 years since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his seminal “I Have a Dream” speech from…

ST. ROSALIA was daughter of a noble family descended from Charlemagne. She was born at Palermo in Sicily, and despising…

We talk a lot about technology in the New Evangelization, and rightly so: “The commemoration of this half millennium of…

There’s a dangerous tendency in America today to view disabilities of various kinds as insuperable barriers to productive and loving…

When the sun sets on September 4th, the Jewish year moves from 5773 to 5774. Jews follow a calendar that…

A great opportunity to share the Catholic faith with Protestants is when they bring up the ceremony that they call…

For most women when the buzzing alarm goes off in the morning, it isn’t because farm chores await completion and…