THE FORTY MARTYRS were soldiers quartered at Sebaste in Armenia, about the year 320. When their legion was ordered to…
THE FORTY MARTYRS were soldiers quartered at Sebaste in Armenia, about the year 320. When their legion was ordered to…
FRANCES was born at Rome in 1384. Her parents were, of high rank. They overruled her desire to become a…
NOTHING in John’s early life foreshadowed his future sanctity. He ran away as a boy from his home in Portugal,…
ST. THOMAS was born of noble parents at Aquino in Italy, in 1226. At the age of nineteen he received…
SAINTS Perpetua and Felicity suffered at Carthage, 7 March 203, together with three companions, Revocatus, Saturus, and Saturninus. The account…
AFTER a holy childhood, Colette joined a society of devout women called the Beguines; but not finding their state sufficiently…
IN the seventh year of Diocletian’s persecution, continued by Galerius Maximianus, when Firmilian, the most bloody governor of Palestine, had…
CASIMIR, the second son of Casimir III., King of Poland was born A. D. 1458. From the custody of a…
ST. CUNEGUNDES was the daughter of Siegfried, the first Count of Luxemburg, and Hadeswige, his pious wife. They instilled into…
Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. on 26 November 1858, Katharine was the second daughter of Francis Anthony Drexel, a wealthy…