ST. FELIX was son of the Count of Valois. His mother throughout his youth did all she could to cultivate…
ST. FELIX was son of the Count of Valois. His mother throughout his youth did all she could to cultivate…
ELIZABETH was daughter of a king of Hungary, and niece of St. Hedwige. She was betrothed in infancy to Louis,…
ON Christmas-eve, 877, a noble of Aquitaine implored Our Lady to grant him a son. His prayer was heard; Odo…
ST. GREGORY was born in Pontus, of heathen parents. In Palestine, about the year 231, he studied philosophy under the…
ST. MARGARET’S name signifies “pearl;” “a fitting name,” says Theodoric, her confessor and her first biographer, “for one such as…
Called the Great, even by his contemporaries, Albert was born of noble parents in Swabia in 1206. While a student…
ST. DIDACUS was born in Spain, in the middle of the fifteenth century. In Spanish he is known as San…
ST. MARTIN, who occupied the Roman See from A. D. 649 to 655, incurred the enmity of the Byzantine court…
LEO was born at Rome. He embraced the sacred ministry, was made archdeacon of the Roman Church by St. Celestine,…
That the truth is stranger than fiction is verified in the life of this holy man who was born on…