In her apparitions to the shepherd children at Fatima, Mary revealed herself as the Queen of the Holy Rosary and…
In her apparitions to the shepherd children at Fatima, Mary revealed herself as the Queen of the Holy Rosary and…
On May 1st the Church celebrated the memorial of St. Joseph the Worker. May 1st also inaugurated the Month of…
Fr. Emil Neubert, SM, one of my favorite Mariologists, wrote many books on Mary including Mary and the Priestly Ministry and My Ideal,…
“You received Holy Communion this morning and that is well, but you must do more, make a general confession and…
Stars are significant in the Christian tradition. For example, God promised Abraham descendants more numerous than the stars of the…
An elderly woman stands at the votive candle area and lights eight large candles. She says a prayer and then…
Today, December 8th, the Church would observe the feast of the Immaculate Conception. This year the feast is transferred to…
Farmers pause in their fields at midday and bow their heads in prayer. [i] Businessmen and women overhear the ringing…
I have witnessed the tears of many people. Some have been tears of joy for an answered prayer. Others have…
Karin Niemeyer has penned her first children’s book.