Author Greg Schlueter

Greg, wife Stephanie and their six children are committed to more fully discovering and living out the adventure of their Catholic identity and mission as family, and inviting other families to do the same: We Image the Trinity (Get IT?). They have a big vision for this Catholic family movement-- and seek to accomplish this through dynamic Catholic multimedia, events, networking, resources and retreat centers. Find out more and get on board at! Before beginning Image Trinity (, Greg Schlueter developed Catholic retreat programs (Mount 2000, Journey to Emmaus), contributed to the successes of faith films (Narnia, Champions of Faith, God or the Girl, Superman Returns), developed promotion of Catholic organizations (Reason for Our Hope Foundation), created Catholic media and satellite/syndicated radio programming (Live from Paddy O'Neills/, created dramas that have been used around the world (Turn Around), produced programs that have aired on EWTN and CatholicTV (Newman Miracle Story), written for various Catholic endeavors (Catholic Exchange), conducted retreats, and spoken at various conferences and events (Pittsburgh Ministries conference, Ohio Right to Life Society). CONTACT: 814/ 864-5755

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