Miss Kim, For You Miss Kim, Miss Kim my hardy Lilac bush, Fragrant blossoms perfume not my garden this spring.…
Miss Kim, For You Miss Kim, Miss Kim my hardy Lilac bush, Fragrant blossoms perfume not my garden this spring.…
Dawn in Gentle Breathing How lovely are the rooftops of the city While turning sleepers rest beneath the sky, Dreams…
Unforgettable This the day so long foretold The day of little light The day of justice lacking The day of…
Looking at the cover of Sons of Cain, by Val Bianco, will send a shiver through your spine. It’s a…
Who are They by the Cross on the Hill? “Look at the cross on the hill! Look! Two painstaking, glorious,…
To Save the World by Cora Haefner, age 10 The Voice Bang! Lucy shut the door and ran…
In Which the Dead are Met I saw the man last night Perspective new, resentment gone We decided to be…
Behold the Wood of the Cross I am the wood of the cross. A lone, dead cross beam I was…
Thrice Holy In the name of God ever-living . Father of swirling atoms, Quasars and supernovae . in the cool…
Light of Day Sweet robin, rise, and sing a morning song. Your joyful noise invites the coming dawn to shine…