Confession: A Roman Catholic App


I’m so happy to share the good news about  ”Confession” a great Catholic app for your iPhone and iPad – and to share that this app is not only wonderfully helpful, but also 100% reliable, having earned the imprimatur from Bishop Kevin C. Rhodes of the Diocese of Fort Wayne – South Bend.

You may be skeptical about using an iPhone or iPad app to help you prepare for a sacrament.  I’ll admit that I was… but after having tested and thoroughly reviewed the Confession app, I’m hooked!  A few special features include the following:

  • Multiple Users – No worries – your account is password protected.  Each user logs in with personal information that pertains to his or her age, sex, vocation (married, single, religious, etc.) and last date of confession.  This information is used to create a personalized examination of conscious which is age and vocation appropriate.  And don’t worry – your account is password protected so your spouse and kids won’t be checking up on your infractions unless you share a password.
  • Prayer Resources – This is great!  You can set your preference for which of the several forms of the Act of Contrition you would like to use (a Latin version is even included!).  The app also includes text for several other traditional prayers.
  • Examination of Conscience – By logging in to your account, you load prompts for an age and vocation appropriate examination of conscience (so a mom’s prompts would be different than her nine year old daughter’s).  You can also set your own custom categories.  The items you check are stored and ready for you to take to confession.
  • Confession Walkthrough – I have spoken with men and women who have been away from the grace of the sacrament for many years, simply because they were embarrassed not to know “how” to go to confession.  This tool takes away this discomfort and fear of forgetting what to say, how to recite the prayers, and even the concern of forgetting your sins under pressure.  The tool provides a basic guideline of what to say and a convenient list of the items you’ve marked in your examination of conscience.

Along with using this app to better prepare myself to go to Confession, I plan to use this app each night as I go through my daily examination of conscience during my nighttime prayers.  I’m not certain that I will actually carry it into the confessional with me, but I will immediately be using it to help myself be more receptive of the graces offered with this sacrament.

I hope you’ll check out the Confession app if you’re an iPhone or iPad owner.  For more information and a full description of the app, including several screenshots, visit the developer’s website.  I also hope you’ll join me in supporting faith-filled Catholic technology pioneers such as Little iApps who are working to provide us with great tools that respond to the Holy Father’s continual call to give the Internet a soul!

Download Confession: A Roman Catholic App

2011 Lisa Hendey)


About Author

Lisa M. Hendey is the founder and editor of and the author of The Handbook for Catholic Moms: Nurturing Your Heart, Mind, Body and Soul. Lisa hosts the Catholic Moments Podcast, a weekly interview format Internet radio show highlighting the work of Catholic authors, musicians, and newsmakers. Additionally, Lisa hosts “Catholic Mom,” a short format television program aired multiple times per week on KNXT-TV.

  • phantom

    Retired guy that didnt even realize the possibilities of confessions via computer.