Browsing: Columnists

The Gaze of the Crucified Christ
Where did Francis’ journey to Christ begin? It began with the gaze of the crucified Jesus. With letting Jesus look…

No, the Pope is Not Diluting the Anti-Abortion Focus of the Church
As the Director of Priests for Life, known worldwide as a ministry within the Catholic Church that urges more preaching,…

Miley Cyrus’ Exploitation Doesn’t Surprise
You’d better sit down because this is going to come as quite a shock. Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have…

Names of God
Knowing God by name allows us to enter into a relationship with him in a very intimate, personal way. While…

Book Review: In the Custody of Words
The book comprises twenty poems, and leaves one wishing there were more.

Bad Reviews are Good for the Soul
I vividly recall the first really negative review I received on a book. It was for a particular title in…