Real government spending has increased almost twice as fast as government revenue.
Browsing: Government & Politics
The Path To Prosperity Or Bankruptcy? Staggering Facts On America’s Rising Debt
An Unapologetic Defense of the Virtue of Intolerance
Christ warned that all those that live Godly will suffer persecution.
Refuse to Render Unto Caesar
[R]ender therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s (Matthew 21, KJV).…
The Central Planning Solution to Evil
Moral agency is individual. You can’t outsource it to a government.
Living Our Lives “Under God”
The American Humanist Association has renewed the efforts of some atheists to remove the words “under God” from our Pledge…
“Thank goodness our government hasn’t taken over any pencil companies yet.”
A Pencil’s Point Now is a good time to revisit the 1958 essay in which Leonard Read examined how a…