For the Catholic Church and the pro-life movement, Ireland’s steadfast preserving of its laws defending the rights of the unborn…
For the Catholic Church and the pro-life movement, Ireland’s steadfast preserving of its laws defending the rights of the unborn…
From a sermon by Bl. John Henry Newman: It is the death of the Eternal Word of God made flesh,…
Obama on Secession Something of a clamor for secession followed President Obama’s reelection in 2012. And the elections strengthened…
“Are you still without understanding?” – Mt 15:16 With the election still raw in the hearts and minds of many,…
I had an odd response to the 2012 presidential election: I stopped watching the news. I also stopped reading the…
Late last week, House Republicans passed a package of rules that will guide the next (113th) Congress. Contained within these…
With the passage of each year it appears that more and more Americans are being served a platter of nuanced…
Planned Parenthood is the biggest abortion provider in the U.S., performing a third of a million abortions each year. It…
Let’s call it Al Goreera. That seems a fitting title for the new network that former Vice President Al Gore…