In 1968, Stanford biologist Paul R. Erlich opened his bestselling book, “The Population Bomb,” with this declaration: “The battle to…
In 1968, Stanford biologist Paul R. Erlich opened his bestselling book, “The Population Bomb,” with this declaration: “The battle to…
Untold The shrilling of the wren so loud Surrounded by a hollow bird, A nest in which a voice resides,…
In light of the Norway terrorist attack, and as expected, the hail of religious relativism has begun—the idea that, if…
On Saturday night, July 30, I was privileged to deliver the keynote address at the kick-off rally of the “Summer…
Last month, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit was the first appellate court to reach a decision…
Dr. Morse gave this speech April 23, 2011, at Hong Kong Baptist University, at a conference of Western and Chinese…
What if our children could be given the gift that Solomon received? During his audience with those gathered at the…
Never can fast be the same as slow, Nor is an ebb tide at all like flow. Though both of…
Catholic League president Bill Donohue addresses the dilemma that the Obama administration has created for religious employers: [On Monday], the…
Checklists have been with us for many years, especially in critical industries where a mistake could make the difference between…