Each one lovely, unique, and irreproducible; wildflowers and people alike. Today the unthinkable happened, and as I sat only half-listening…
Yearly Archives: 2012

Reading post-2012-election news reports can be hazardous to one’s mental health, particularly for the sanity-challenged among us. But perhaps the…

The United States Department of Education (DOE) is investigating a junior ROTC instructor who is reported to have said that…

As the twentieth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) approaches, abortion activists are marking out their…

For Christians, Advent is a penitential season. As a penitential season, it is a specially designated time to reflect on…

Much has been said lately about how to do evangelization. I’ve contributed a bit to that myself. Now I begin…

A few weeks ago, on All Soul’s Day, Father Kean – a exuberant young priest at our parish – preached…

After repeatedly reintroducing the legislation for 14 years, the Philippines lower House has voted 113 to 104 to pass the…

“Peace on earth and good will to men.” This is the season where we reflect on Christ’s offer and promise…