Across Italy, up and down both coasts, one notices a very unusual sight. Driving down the Adriatic coast of Italy,…
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At the time Mark and I became engaged, our diocese required couples to complete a six-month Pre-Cana program that involved…

Sometimes we act as if sins are just black marks against us in God’s ledger, debits against our rewards account.…

Give Barack Obama credit: The man has chutzpah. How else do you describe a president who uses his executive authority…

When it comes to 21st-century environmental and energy debates, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Especially when what little…

When asked to comment on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ rejection of the so-called HHS “accommodation,” White House…

It seems there’s something to be learned from every dopey mistake I ever make. In fact, some of my dopey…

A quiet, closed-door meeting in Washington next month will be of crucial importance in shaping the Church’s response to the…

If Franklin D. Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor were the naïfs who foisted the United Nations on the world, George…

Talking with my sister-in-law, a maternity ward nurse, the other day about the new Health and Human Services mandate (HHS), I…